How we can help you


We take time to listen to your concerns in order to give you the most suitable information, advice and support.


Offer impartial information, advice and support.


Offer practical help with writing letters and emails and filling in forms. We can also signpost to other services that can help with specialist areas, such as benefits.

Meeting Support

We can attend some meetings with you. This may be attending an initial meeting to get the full picture to help us to give you the most suitable advice.

Legal Help

Explain what the law says. Some of this is summarised in our downloadable factsheets.

SEND Support

Explain what you can expect schools to provide in terms of SEND support.

Education/Care Needs

Guide you through an Education Health and Care Needs Assessment.


The service is confidential; we only contact local authority officers or other practitioners with parents' permission.

Times when you might need our help.

Struggling with Education

If your child or young person is struggling in their educational setting and is not making progress. Perhaps you are unclear about the help they are receiving and would like to talk about this.

SEND Support

When he/she is receiving SEND support or has an Education, Health and Care Plan. We can explain what to expect and what this means for you child.

Needs Assessment

If you would like your child or young person's special educational needs to be formally assessed. We can explain how an application is made and can help if you need support writing your views for the assessment.

Writing Help

If you need help writing your views for the assessment.

Meeting Support

If you would like support at a school or a SEND team meeting (including mediation).

Exclusion Risk

If your child or young person is at risk of exclusion or has received a fixed term or permanent exclusion and you need help to understand your rights.

Changing Stage of Education

When your child or young person with SEND is transferring from nursery to primary school, from primary school to secondary or from secondary to college. You might want to talk about your options or how to make sure the move goes smoothly.

School Transport

You might need help understanding the law and policy around school transport. We can help with the paperwork when applying for transport or if you are appealing against a transport decision.

IASS Helpline: 0118 937 3421

